This was a great and insightful response, Burak, thank you.
Yes, there is an "impedance mismatch" that is preventing widespread adoption, but that is a normal part of the discovery for how such a disruptive new technology fits in the overall scheme of things. We often forget how long the Internet itself endured an impedence mismatch until it found its footing, or personal computers, or smartphones, or even going back to electricity.
Plus, Web5/SSI has the additional headwind of focusing almost exclusively on identity use cases, and identity is the most sensitive, security-related thing on the internet; pretty much all breaches and fraud are identity related, and pretty much all cybersecurity touches identity and authentication systems to one degree or another. It's the last, hardest thing to change in complex systems, as it should be.
And you're dead-on about "authentic gibbish" and the need for semantic interoperability, but you can't address those until you first have authenticity and structural interoperability, then you can start sorting out gibberish and semantics. I have it on my list to write about this, and you've sparked some ideas, so thank you.
FYI you can have both security and semantics in a decentralized world of authentic data, but only if you start with security first. Here's more detail about that: